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In autumn, I planned a party. Though it was scheduled for spring, there was much to do to prepare. So in those days of fading light, I did all the duties of a diligent hostess and sent out my invitations.

All there was to do was wait through winter.

And then the day came.

The daffodil arrived first—much earlier than I expected. She poked out slowly, making her way into the still, cold room, her true nature concealed beneath a soft green cloak.

At the time of her premature emergence, it was still dark, but then, thankfully, the sun came to visit too, though only in spurts at the beginning, not quite ready for the spotlight. When the sun did visit, the daffodil stood at a distance, watching the glisten and shine. Slowly, the sun’s visits became more frequent, and the daffodil’s adoration for the glow grew. 

Every day, the daffodil stretched closer, believing if she could just touch the edge of the rays, she could shine just as bright.

Even on the days the sun didn’t visit, she continued to grow in the sun's direction, grasping for radiance. Then one day, as she reached, the hood of her cloak slipped, and a golden glimmer made its way into the room. She looked around and searched for the familiar shine of her friend, but the room was still grey, the sun still hidden away. She realized then that beneath her comfortable cover lay her own light.

It took a second to shed the solace of her shroud, but in her own time, she unfurled and illuminated the room with her brilliance. Sure, the sun still shone brighter, but the light of the daffodil was unique and brought a joy all her own.

I watched in awe from across the room, captivated by her glow, evermore grateful for it during the times the sun did not show. The party had now truly begun.

With the room now brighter than ever, I could see another friend, the tulip, had arrived. I must have missed her entrance, distracted by the beauty unfurling before my eyes.

She had sauntered in the same way, undercover and unassuming. Although she noticed the blond blooms that surrounded her, she did not fall into the trap of comparison. She knew she had her own allure to share in her own time.

After a while, the sun’s visitation became more consistent, and it lingered for longer and longer. There was a shift in the air, the room no longer still or cold, but rather beginning to burst with life and warmth. A band of birds began to play, their jovial song luring in new guests—bees, bunnies, and buds.

It was then, when she could share her beauty with a wider audience, that the tulip blossomed into a profusion of pastel petals.

Her shades and shapes varied, but her hopeful essence was all the same.

Since the beginning of my spring jubilee, I have not been able to peel myself away from the celebration. I spend what time I have watching my friends bloom and dance in the wind, in awe of their fleeting beauty, soaking in the lessons they have to teach me.

They say you are the company you keep. A constellation created by the brightest stars in your sky.

If that is true, at the moment, as I dance around this party of mine, I think at least a part of me is a daffodil, another a tulip, and part of me is the sun that shines.

Tulips and daffodils are now available at Patina Home & Garden :)
Tulips and daffodils are now available at Patina Home & Garden :)




12 minutes ago

Beautiful flowers, beautifully described. Such a joy has been mine to follow this creative beauty. Thank you for sharing your talent.


Shannon ol
a day ago

Thank you Leila for your words and beautiful flowers💕


a day ago

I do enjoy these postcards in my inbox. They add such light, peace, and serenity to my day.


a day ago

SO beutiful Leila!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful party friends with us- SO POETIC!!!


2 days ago

Leila, thanks for this great post! Would you mind sharing the varieties of the daffodils you planted? Particularly the double white variety, they are exceptional!

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